How to Prevent Common Mistakes when Home Waxing

How to Prevent Common Mistakes when Home Waxing

Just like anything else, waxing will take time and experience to master. The best way to learn is by doing! Your first attempts may have bumps and errors, but don't let that dismay you. Even the pros make mistakes. The best approach is to keep your ebullience and never miss an opportunity to wax. Before long, waxing at home will become familiar, revealing smooth, lovely skin with every passage of waxing.

It's easy to be nervous about waxing at home. But with a little confidence and practice (and these tips), you can easily become an at-home waxing pro:

  1. Start with easier parts of the body. If you’re newer to waxing, or have never waxed before, start with your arms or legs. These are larger areas that are easily accessible and don’t require as much precision. Waxing small areas on these larger parts and create larger areas as you gain confidence. When you feel confident enough, you can move onto the bikini area, underarms, and face.
  2. Wax when the hair is the right length. If you shave or wax before the hair is long enough, the wax won't grab onto the hairs, and you'll end up with an uneven texture. The results can be patchy, sticky strips and even ingrown hairs. Make sure the length of the hair is at least ¼ inch or ½ inch long.
  3. Exfoliate before waxing, always! You want to make sure your skin is exfoliated prior to waxing. Dead skin can cause a buildup on the area, which can lead to ingrown hairs and even infections, or irritation from waxing. Using a scrub, gentle exfoliating mitt, or a high-end chemical exfoliant will ensure that your skin is clean and free of dead skin cells before you wax
  4. Always patch test before waxing larger areas! A patch test is a great way to see how the wax will react with your skin. Wax a small area on your wrist and wait 24 hours to see how your skin responds. If you don’t get any irritation after that time, it’s safe to use on other parts of the body! 
  5. Be sure the wax isn’t too hot. With the roll-on wax, the temperature is regulated efficiently, however with the microwave wax kits, the temperature must be tested. With either method, be sure to always test a patch on your wrist to check the temperature. Remember that liquid wax can get very hot, so test the temperature on a small area before applying a large amount of wax to your skin.
  6. Remember to always be properly prepared before waxing. Be sure you have time, space and everything you need on hand before starting the process. You don’t want to end up with wax on your leg and then not have your non-woven strips on hand to remove the wax and hair! Don’t let your “nice to have” items distract you from the task at hand. Be sure to have all of your waxing supplies ready before getting started.
  7. Use waxup wax kits exactly as directed for the most efficient results! Be sure to follow all the steps above and carefully as included in your designated waxup kit for the best result with minimal complications. Happy waxing!